This article about the island of Bermuda is brought to you by Philip, one of our guest contributors and writers!
The first time we set foot on the island of Bermuda was with my wife on our honeymoon. Since that time, nearly forty years ago, we have returned five times. Yes, it's that beautiful and a destination that we have enjoyed immensely. Pink sand, crystal clear water, amazing scenery - what's not to love?
Secret and often empty beaches are hiding everywhere!
Our lodging on the island have varied from one end of the small land mass to the other, and every experience has been great! From the Hamilton Princess to Grotto Bay, up to the Fairmont Southampton and out to King's Wharf on a cruise ship - all have delivered a great experience! The lodging on the island gives you a chance to experience more of the local flavor, while staying on a cruise ship provides unlimited food and time to also enjoy stops at local eateries. No matter where you stay, the island is a beautiful place.
Gibbs Lighthouse
If you are a biker - either pedaling or motoring - it's a great way to see the island at your own pace and also be able to explore hidden spots off the main roads. Taking little side roads can lead you to the edge of a cliff overlook or to a gorgeous beach spot that you can enjoy all to yourself. When the weather isn't good for biking, bus passes are available or taxis are everywhere.
Wildlife is everywhere!
Where there once was the Bermuda Railway which provided the main method of transportation many years ago, there is now a trail for cyclists and for walking. The nearly 18 miles of accessible trails provide a unique and "healthy" way to see the Bermuda scenery. Our trek on the Railway Trail on our last visit brought us to the climb up to Gibbs Lighthouse where you could see the island stretching off into the distance and watch a gorgeous sunset … or sunrise if you are an early bird!
There are many hidden coves that are great for snorkeling, swimming, or just enjoying the beauty of a quiet spot.
On our first visit, there was still a prominent British influence that you couldn't miss, from the formal breakfasts that were served to the Bermuda shorts and tall socks seen everywhere. Over the years, much of that has disappeared but there are still traces of it throughout Bermuda that give it a uniqueness all its own.
Beautiful ocean views and colorful homes!
While it is usually best to avoid hurricane season, our travels to Bermuda habe taken place in February, April and June. In all of those months there were beautiful days for zooming around on a scooter, walking, or sitting on the beach. The natives look at you like you are crazy if you go to the beach in February, but compared to freezing temperatures that we can get in New England at the time of the year, 65 degrees is balmy, and you just might get the beach to yourself. If golf is more your style, there are many courses across the island that also provide incredible views of the ocean and scenery.
Classic British influence can be seen on the island even today!
The fluorescent colors of many homes along with the whitewashed roofs used to collect rain set against the turquoise waters and pink sand make for a combination that can't be beat. Absolutely beautiful.
So no matter where you are coming from, Bermuda is an amazing island to visit - and its location in the North Atlantic makes it even more accessible to everyone! So what are you waiting for, check it out today!