It’s a lazy Saturday morning, and you’re sitting on the couch scrolling through Instagram. A picture catches your eye of an amazing beach. Crystal clear waters, over-the-ocean bungalows with breathtaking views and happy people enjoying their lives. All of them, apparently, gazillionaires with no job. Ah, if only your life could be like that. If only you could just travel, take pictures, sip cappuccinos and margaritas, and go anywhere you wanted, life would be so amazing, right?
Well, to be fair, you’d probably get tired pretty quick if all you did was travel. Seeing a new place would lose the same spark it once had eventually, and one of the best parts of a trip - the anticipation - would be hard to recapture. Still, it would be nice to look at these Instagram accounts and photos, and know that you too can see these places! I have good news for you. You can. While we here at Leave the Harbor love looking at these pictures as much as anyone else, we’re also excited about the opportunities available to all of us “regular people” to see these amazing places ourselves someday. Keep following us for more tips and tricks on how you too can prepare for and embark on one of these great adventures.
One of the only images that in fact is NOT ours in the travel portion of our site!
What I love so much about the images and writing in the travel portion of our blog, is that they are all original. All ours. All shot or written with our own two hands, (besides the one exception above to prove a point). We’ve actually been to the places we post about, and sure, some of them might not be pro quality with perfectly sharp resolution and amazing vistas (I’m speaking about mine here, not Johns) , they’re all genuine places, that us - just regular people - have been able to travel to.
John, in action at Arches National Park.
What’s more, since so many of the pictures we take can’t possibly ever capture the true essence of a place, or in many cases, the vastness or majesty of a location, it’s great to be able to put into words and more fully describe the enjoyment of a place with our writing.
So for those of you lucky enough to have stumbled on this blog, congratulations, we’re here to not only show you the places you can go, and the experiences you can have, but help you get there yourself! Whether its travel planning, destination reviews, inspiration or assistance in generating additional revenue in your life, you’ve come to the right place, stick around.
Fun in the sun
So next time you’re scrolling through your Instagram, and find yourself breathing out a little sigh, wishing you could get to one of the amazing places you so often see pictures of, stop wishing, start working, start planning, and get ready to enjoy the world.
Until next time.